
Site Review Clinic

The Internet continues to change at a rapid pace. Not everyone can keep up which is why it’s great to get feedback from others. During CIMA Site Review Clinics, anyone can suggest a website to be reviewed, analyzed, critiqued, and evaluated.

How It Works

Arrive at least 10 minutes before the event begins so you can add your website to the list. It’s generally first come, first served. When your website comes up, it will be shown on a screen and the feedback process will begin!

You’ll get fresh ideas on how to improve your website or blog and use it as a marketing tool.

The feedback may include design, content, usability, technical, or marketing suggestions (SEO, conversion optimization, landing page tips, etc.) with the ultimate goals of improving user experience and increasing sales.

The advice is free but the potential is priceless!

Who Should Attend?

The clinic is ideal for professionals, small businesses, company owners, freelancers, private individuals and anyone who needs a second opinion on their website. If you need help with the changes, you may be able to find some at the event that you can hire.

Note: Event organizers reserve the right to limit the amount of time spent reviewing any particular website. Also, there may not be enough time to get to your website and as such, a complimentary review is not guaranteed. It’s best to arrive early to get your name on the list as soon as possible.

Want to Organize Your Own CIMA Event?

Contact us to find out about starting a chapter in your location (if one doesn’t already exist).

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