Bring the power of Internet marketing to your location! It will take some work but becoming a local organizer can help you make many connections while fulfilling the purposes of CIMA. You know your city best, so we’ll leave it up to you to adapt CIMA for your location.
We’re pretty easy going about starting local chapters. We just want to make sure that the CIMA brand continues to be respected. For that reason, we’ve laid out some guidelines.
Chapter Responsibilities
- Understand and believe in CIMA’s purposes
- Have a local chapter organizing team. Ideally, this is at least two people. With several people on board, the work can be delegated and shared, helping to make local events as successful as they can be.
- Find an appropriate venue
- Local member management: Create a Group
- Use the CIMA logo
- Chapters must have at least one event every three months (although a mix of events 6-12 times per year would be ideal)
- Chapters must write a blog post to announce the event (including full details of the event, speaker info, etc.). This will be posted on the main CIMA blog.
- Chapters must write a blog post summarizing the event once the event has passed. The blog post must be submitted within 2 weeks of the event. Local chapters are encouraged to take photos so 1-2 can be posted in the blog post.
Use of CIMA Logo
- Chapters must use the CIMA logo to brand events
- You may only use the CIMA Logo for event purposes
- Co-branding your event: This must be discussed with us prior to the use of the CIMA logo on any event documentation or promotion.
Chapter Sponsorship
- Chapters are encouraged to get their own sponsorship
- Chapters may get in-kind sponsors
- CIMA reserves the right to remove sponsorship or dissolve a chapter for inappropriate use of sponsorship funds
Local Events
- CIMA has prepared several types of events to make them easier to plan.
Additional Info
- CIMA chapters do not only have to be in Canada. You are welcome to create chapters around the world (for example, “CIMA Miami”)
Are you ready to organize your own local CIMA chapter? Contact us and we’ll take it from there!